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  • How do I contact the groups of the organization to schedule a presentation?
    Address correspondence to:
    Sons of Lafayette
    P.O. Box 4101
    LaGrange, GA 30241-4101
  • How do I request a presentation by the groups within the organization?
    Contact us via the contact information listed above.
  • As a non-profit organization we accept honorariums for presentations. The singing members of the organization do not receive reimbursement for their participation. Funds collected are used to defray the cost of printed music & programs, venue rental, equipment expenses and in some
    cases transportation, meals and lodging if over night stay is required to participate. Members are also required to fund at least a portion of these
violin, piano and rose
  • How do I become a participant?
    See our recruitment flyer.
    Participation in any of the groups is by “placement interview”. The interview is mainly to place you in the correct voice section.
    To schedule an audition, contact:
    Darian Krimm, Artistic Director
    email Darian
Hand noted, lines & spaces
  • How do I volunteer for supporting the organization?
    We need volunteers for ticket collection at events, ushers, etc. Please contact the organization via email
  • How do I contribute tax deductible gifts to the organization.
    The Sons of Lafayette welcomes both individual and corporate donations. The Sons of Lafayette Male Choir, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Choir has an active Board of Directors. If you would like to donate to this organization as a Friend of The Sons of Lafayette, please send your check made payable to:
    Sons of Lafayette
    P.O. Box 4101
    LaGrange, GA 30241-4101
  • You can Click here to donate securely using a credit card.
  • You will be sent a receipt showing the tax deductible amount of your contribution.
    Note: Purchase of tickets for presentations is not a tax deductible contribution unless the amount paid exceeds the published ticket price.
Sons of Lafayette logo
  • How do I purchase tickets for scheduled presentations?
    Tickets may be purchased in the following ways: From any active member of the group presenting or at the following locations in LaGrange.
    Plum Southern                                            Market Place
    121 Main Street                                           100 Bull St
    (706) 884-3134                                           (706) 882-3338
  • To purchase tickets online, go to the Shop, Tickets page.
  • How do I purchase CD recordings of the group?
    Visit the Shop page.
  • If I share my contact information with you, how will you keep the information confidential?
    You can view our Privacy Policy to determine how we handle your personal information.
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© Sons of Lafayette Male Choir, Inc.